
Shit I don't get v.1

Here is a current list of shit that I think is stupid.
  • Car monogram stickers

Ok guys help me out here. Please enlighten me as to WHY you need your initials on your car? Why? No one can give me a valid reason. When out looking for your Honda Pilot in the sea of cars at the mall does this curly font monogram help determine which is yours? Are there really SO many cars like yours that you must have your initials on it? These are stupid & if you have one, you are too.
  • Car family stickers
Sticking with the theme. Do I even need to elaborate here?  Hey look, I have a husband, 3 school age children, a baby, 2 cats & a dog AND a baby bump!  Oh & in case you needed to know, we are all Auburn fans and I love tennis.  AND my initials are right over there next to my lil' fam . . . Well if this isn't a kidnapper target I don't know what is.  You know what those creeps in white, windowless vans think when they see these stickers?  (high fives fellow kidnapper) "Dude, do you see that hot bitch in the Suburban? Let's get her!  3 kids & she's pregnant! Win. We can make hella money off 3 kids & a pregnant lady! Oh look, her initials are DJR, bet her name is Deanna or Darcy, I like Darcy, what should we call her?" Other smarter kidnapper, "Fuck this man, I don't want 3 kids I'm out. And dude, her name is probably dumbass."

  • Political facebook & twitter posts.
No, just no. I do not care that you watched the DNC while I watched Teen Mom. I do not care what you think about it. No one does. 

Also, these e cards make me stabby.  They were funny for 10 minutes.  


  1. This reminds me of Peter Griffin's "You Know What Really Grinds My Gears" segment. Also, did you purposely Google image those initials becuse it looks like D-Bag? If so, you're my new bestie.

  2. This reminds me of Peter Griffin's "You Know What Really Grinds My Gears" segment. Also, did you purposely Google image those initials becuse it looks like D-Bag? If so, you're my new bestie.

  3. Well aren't you just in the sweetest little mood ever! (NOT)! Is this all it takes to make you crabby? Sorry child but I love the e-cards and you KNOW I am all about convincing somebody out there to see the light and switch over to my political views! I'll try to refrain if it will keep you cheerful! ♥you!

  4. Haha, this whole post. That! I am dying laughing! I love the said no one ever cards though. They are hilarious! Can't wait to see volume two!

  5. Ha I cant stand the political rants on Facebook either! So annoying! Can't wait for more shit you don't get!


    Because the whole tirade about the people on the back of the car? I've so thought that. I've been in the car alone, talking through a criminal scenario, which involves the sticker people on some asshole in front of me.

    You are one of my favorites these days. I rarely comment, but I ALWAYS read.

  7. Yay thanks for reading! Wish I could entertain more often!

  8. I agree completely on the car stickers! WHY?! It drives me nuts! My husband knows this and points out every single one we see now, just to get me fired up about it. :)

  9. Agreed on all counts. The only family sticker I ever saw and liked was a man, wife, two dogs and two cats. HA! Only way it could have been better is if it were a wife and wife or husband and husband. What a great FU that would be to the family sticker people.

  10. The people on the cars kill me. I actually saw one here in Mass that said over it "THE DEATH FAMILY". I assume their get together's are interesting.

  11. Perfect. Especially the car monogram stickers. Do certain initials make you cooler than others? Does it make you feel fancy in your '93 Civic with a different-colored driver's door?

  12. Every time I see those family stickers, I think, why not just a bulls eye? Hey criminals, my hands are full cuz I have 3 kids.

  13. I have a zombie family. I think of it as an F-U to the regular family sticker people.

    1. That's what we have too and exactly why we have them:-}


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