
Give me a break!

Guys, how is your year going?  We are still kicking over here but I need some help.  I need to know if 2 year olds whine forever.  I need to know if it is normal for me to want to slap a toddler. (kidding...sort of).

Everyday when I get off of work I am so excited to go pick up my child. I haven't seen her in 10 hours, I want to go home. I want to snuggle her, watch Diego, tickle her, have a tea party and play.  It doesn't work like this guys.  My first daily mistake is picking her up.  "But I wanted Daddy to come get meeeeeeee." We don't make it to the car before I have done something to cause enough angst in her that results in whining for the remainder of the day.  The simple fact that I zipped her coat instead of allowing her to is enough to set the mood, and that mood is disaster.

It is so. fucking. exhausting.

I am tired.

Every morning, after I get ready for work, carefully pick out her clothes, pour a cup of juice & cereal for the car, I go to wake her up.  Every morning, without fail, I do something wrong.  I picked her lovey out but she wanted to, I unzip her pajama's but she wanted to, I flush the toilet and... you get where this is going.  Lets get dressed shall we?  Oh this purple polo you are wearing today, this THIRTY DOLLAR SHIRT you had to have because it looks like Daddy's, hurts you?  Really? Enlighten me.  Your 3T jeans are too tight? That's funny, I can see your ass crack when you walk because i have the adjustable waist undone because you said they are too tight.  Oh you wanted to watch Diego this morning for the 5 minutes it takes me to get you dressed and not The Wiggles, my bad.  A side ponytail isn't good for you today because even seeing a hair brush hurts your head?  Well fuck it then, lets just go like this with a snot nest in your hair.  What was I thinking giving you the green frog cup?! Damn-it I should have picked blue, I am so sorry.  Lets go, lets go, oh crap I so shouldn't have buckled your car seat, I forgot that you are totally capable of getting yourself safely to school.

So. fucking. exhausting.

I love my girl.  I really do.  But I want to enjoy my time with her.  I am tired of everything being a chore, a deal, a whine fest.    How long does this last?  Any advice on how to curb the constant "end of the world" melt downs?

So that is it around here.  Just walking (quickly) on egg shells, to the beer fridge, trying to get through another season.


  1. Sounds like you need to come down for a visit!! We miss ya'll!! Hate that we missed the X-mas gathering, but you can blame Bertella for that one, as he told us it was no problem to move it to the weekend before :)

    1. No, sounds like I need to come there and we will send Toby here, oh and Scarlet is staying here too! Miss ya'll!

  2. Sweet Sarah! I have two at my house just like her! And yes, the whining stops eventually!!! Try giving her as many easy choices as you can as much as you can. The blue or purple shirt, the green or yellow cup. Easy choices so she has some independence. This is when she is learning she can say no and how to make decisions. In short, it sucks!!! But, 3 was worse for us. Just saying! Good luck!

    1. That is what I have heard about 3 and definitely NOT what I want to here!

  3. Haha this cracks me up! Sweet letta is plotting against you!!

  4. When you find the answer, for the love of God please tell me! Mads purposely peed in her pants this morning as we were walking out the door because she didn't like the adorable sweater dress & leggings I put on her.

  5. I am chuckling as I type! Miss Scarlet is sounding somewhat like her M***y (you can fill in the blanks)! She will outgrow it Sarah. I agree with Misty - give her choices to make on the easy stuff. Good luck!


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