
Beach, Birthday, Baby & Booze

We headed down to the coast on Friday morning.  We got our 4 hour trip in without so much as a peep from the babe.  We hit up Burris Farmers Market on the way in for some tomatoes, onion, and avocado to make some guacamole.  You would think that people that own a Mexican restaurant would not want Mexican food but you are wrong!  We love it and eat it ALL THE TIME!!  So we made it to the beach, promptly started drinking, put the baby in the condo with the monitor and went to the pool!!  What a blessing we have!! The lovely grandparents, Hunny & Rut, have been taking care of babe A LOT and allowing us to get too much sun and get into too much wine!  Tonight we are going out for my birthday dinner and I am so excited.  We will get some pics for sure because I just realized the camera has not come out of the bag...oops.  I did get a few with my phone though.  This is from last week when we had a baby brigade hang out!!  This is Mackenzie, Hollis, & Scarlet.  Hollis is quite the ladies man!

I just cannot get over how much I love this picture!!  My 2 sweet ones!

Just snuggling with daddy on the condo porch.

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