
Birthday and some fun

So my birthday is coming up...I need HELP your guys!  I don't know what to ask for and John has been quite the bugger in trying to find this out.  He is leaning towards me wanting an iPad so he can hijack the Kindle but I really don't want one.  I am happy with all of the gifts I have, like my lovely little girl and a sweet husband.  I need some ideas ya'll...What do I want?  And don't get me wrong, I LOVE presents!  I love opening them, playing with them, spending them, wearing them, I love everything about a present.  Here lies my problem because I need help picking one!  In the meantime here are some smiley pics of my little bit!!

Chatting with Mom

Chinny Chin Chins!

Mom!! Enough with the pictures!

Alright, I look forward to some good ideas...


  1. Sissy, get a gift certificate for some clothes-you can use it now or later. I love the owl pants! And the first picture-to effin cute! Johnny Jr! me luf

  2. Girlfriend, get some clothes or ask for some awesome makeup and hair stuff. Things you like to pamper yourself with but wouldn't buy on a normal basis!

    And baby boo is adorbs!

  3. War Eagle that !! you are cra cra girl! I NEVER need help deciding what i want at any given time! I agree with the ladies above, some fancy face cream, some desiger jeans, a itunes giftcard for all the apps you want! A web came so you and j can watch the bambino from the iphone...
    Geesh maybe we should skip your birthday and go back to mine again.


Let me know you're reading!