
So Excited!!

Tonight is our first night out baby free!! Johns parents are sitting on the baby while we have a date and I cannot wait!  One of our fav little spots right in Homewood has the chefs table reserved for 2 Macons at 6:45.  I know I said sitting on the baby but my friends, I don't just mean for our date!  I mean for THE WHOLE NIGHT.  Now they did this one day last week before the little one had learned that we sleep at night...I felt terrible that morning when I was told she was up at 3am until morning :(  But alas, she now sleeps 3 hours at a time at night and it is much, much better!!  So like I said, we are baby free until morning.  Not that we want to be baby free at all but sleep will come oh so easily.  The only sucky thing about this whole situation is that none of my clothes fit so I will be in maternity un-cuteness but I will have fun so I don't mind.  My mom has also offered up her overnight services as soon as school is out!  See in the beginning of this baby thing I wasn't willing to accept help because I felt like I should be able to handle it and MAN was I wrong.  You have to accept it and be so glad you are lucky enough to have people that are willing to help because without them, I would be more crazy than I already am.  My mom has been coming over several times a week in the morning to allow me to sleep.  It is so nice and now that she is actually sleeping at night this makes for a great time for me, mom, and babes to hang out, eat lunch, and watch junk T.V.  Anyway I'm off to get pretty.  Maybe some pics will follow later on!


  1. Have fun you guys!! I hope you do post pics!

  2. Yay, have fun! Have you gotten a package lately?? How are they keeping her overnight? At your house??

  3. FUN! Hope y'all have a great night!!

  4. yes, have fun and enjoy!
    yrs, she got a package and I love it!! was there more in it besides the tile? I LOVED IT!!
    and yes sarah we want pics!! ♥

  5. Oh this is fantastic! A date night! Do tell me all about it ! I am with you on the help ! My momma is already signed up for month one!
    kisses to letta!


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